water cycle, also known as the hydrological cycleis
thecirculationof waterthat neverceasefromtheearth's atmosphere andbackinto the atmosphere. Theair moving
from one shelter to another shelter, such as from river to ocean, or
from the ocean to the atmosphere, by the physical processes of evaporation,
condensation, precipitation, infiltration, runoff, and subsurface flow. In so
doing, the water goes through different phases that is liquid, solid, and gas.
Watercyclecan be explainedthatthefirst , the
water inlakes, seas, andriverswillevaporateinto the
atmosphereby the sun. While
the waterin theplanttranspirationexperience . Thewatervaporcoolsandcondensestobecomedroplets, the whichcloudsform. In thesaturatedstate ofthe cloud
wouldbewater spotsand it will bedown(precipitation)
in the form ofrain, snow, andice.Somehaverainwaterinfiltrationintothe groundwaterand
thenflow backinto thelakes, seas, andrivers. While
the restflows throughriversbackinto the sea. After that , thecyclewill berepeated.
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